GA Layout Design Automation

Client Background

Client is one of the world's leading manufacturers of pumps and valves. A brand with the greatest technical expertise in pumps and valves, the centrepiece of the Client pump product portfolio is the centrifugal pump. Types include, for example: submersible pumps, waste water pumps or circulator pumps.Client products and services are designed for industry, building services and process engineering applications as well as for the waste water and water sector, mining and energy applications. Client provides solutions for all areas of automation and drive technology.

Design Process Analysis

The Design Team of the client used Creo software to manually prepare the GA Drawings and Base Frame Drawings for the variety of their products. The Client has a very strong Design Team, able to create highly complex Engineering Drawings. But since, the business of the client was rapidly growing, the work load on the design team also increased considerably. Therefore, to improve the productivity and to reduce the Engineering cycle time, The Client Design Team was looking for automation of these GA drawings and Base Frame Drawings.

Our Solution

PARAM has already developed an Enterprise level Document Management Software (SmartDMS) for the client which manages the Engineering documents at every stage of the project. PARAM has integrated the GA Layout Design automation feature in the same software. This feature is given in the Design Departmental Login, where the interface asks the users to enter the inputs required. The software also autofills the data wherever available after the user enters the Project and SO number for which the GA Drawing and Base frame drawing needs to be generated. Once all the details are captured, the software automatically generates the GA and Base frame Drawings which are 100% to the scale. The software also manages the revisions of these Drawings.


  • Faster design and production of working prototypes.
  • Reduced Engineering change order cycle time.
  • Improved data quality and consistency.
  • Increased utilization and personal productivity of professional employees.
  • Automated design rules and drawing production processes.
  • Seamless data interfaces between the Design Software and SAP-ERP, database formats,and access point technologies.
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